What is Root and How to Root Your Andriod Smartphone
By Carrie Tsai, Last Updated: June 21, 2019
You may have caught the sight of “Android’s root” on the internet. Once there is a time when many Android’s phones failed to bring about their full potential, and the culprit lies in the “root”.
Because every Android phone is very similar to a Linux distribution you would install on a computer under the hood, rooting them was the way to allow us to try and fix them our own way. Rooting is how you get complete access to everything in the operating system, and those permissions allow you to change it all.

What is Root?
Android’s root, to put it in a simple way, is gaining the most privileged control on many Android systems. We can liken it to gaining the super administrator’s control of your computer. In case of users do not have the knowledge of their phones’ system, phone manufacturers will set such a limit of authority to ensure installing new programs without affecting the original overall system.
However, you might sometimes find that some built-in apps or software are not able to be uninstalled, which will take up unnecessary space of your phone’s memory capacity, slow down the phone’s operating speed and pop up some annoying advertisements even wasting battery in the background, bringing you some awful experience.

Shall I Root?
It seems understandable that once rooted, you can utilize your Android system in whatever way you like. However, before considering rooting you should know about the pros and cons of it.

The benefits of rooting, as what have been mentioned above, mainly include freeing up your phone’s memory capacity and improving operating speed.
On the other hand, rooting your phone increases the risks of security hole, such as being hacked more easily. Once rooted, it is easier for hackers to steal the precious documentaries from our phone.
Another pitfall is that you may lose the warranty service, which means the maintainence point can not save your phone once the problems caused by rooting occur. And if there is any problem on your phone’s firmware, you have no choice but to buy a new one.
The third concern is that if certain malicious apps attain the most privileged control, your precious personal data will be leaked, thus leading to grave consequences.
Taking all into consideration, those who like flashing their phones and playing with phones, e.g., technical nerds, can try to root, while for those who prefer a stable system and not willing to run the risk, it is not advisable to root.

The Ways to Root
For those who is filled with curiosity spirit, here are the steps on how to root Android phone.

Install a root software on your computer.
Run the software and link your phone to the computer and click the “connect your phone” on the surface of the software.
Then the software will autonomously check and identify your phone, otherwise, a notification will pop up autonomously to inform you of reconnecting.

When connecting successfully, click the button of install root app, and allow manipulation on your phone. The app can be installed on the phone after confirmation.
At the time when installed successfully, the software will begin to root your Android system and bear in mind that do not move your phone in case of the connection break, which will cause the failure of rooting.
After rooted successfully, you can disconnect your phone from computer . Finally, restart the phone and you will be delighted to find that your phone has attained the most privileged control on Android system.

Rooting Android phone is a double-edged sword, you are able to gain control over your phone, uninstall built-in apps and gaining favorable experience after rooting. On the other hand, it will also bring you with risks like data leakage.
So if you are not that kind of people who are interested in studying smartphones or require more of Android phone, you had better not run the risks of security vulnerability. For most of us ordinary people, the original system may be enough to meet our requirements and there is no need to root.